The Business Model

At the Lifestyle Transformation Institute we subscribe 100% to the belief that our services are of benefit and helping people. We also believe our business model represents exceptional value for money for our consultants and their customers alike.

Three models of service delivery

Only you can decide on your business and life-style needs. The LTI offers you the flexibility to set up and grow your business at your own pace. Choose the Lifestyle Energy Consultancy Package that best suits your needs.

#1 UNIVERSAL Lifestyle Energy Consultancy Package

The top of the range package incorporating the Universal Multi Dimensional Oscillator (UMDO).

Offer your clients a complete, holistic package to restore harmony and balance in their life. Begin your 2 hour sessions with HeartQuest and Sclerographics readings to detect energy blockages and enhance session effectiveness. Apply Young Living Oils and LumaLight technologies to untangle energy blockages in the meridians, before directing your clients to the UMDO where they will enjoy relaxing while their energy and emotional systems are brought back into balance. A final HeartQuest reading allows your client to see exactly how effective their session was.

For maximum value and effectiveness we recommend offering a discounted five session package to your clients. In addition to revenue generated from the full service, you will be able to create additional income streams through UMDO only sessions and sales of Tesla’s and Young Living products. Based on a home based business operating a 20 hour week for 48 weeks a year, the potential annual income from the Universal Lifestyle Energy Consultancy Package is approximately AUD $139,500.

#2 GALACTIC Lifestyle Energy Consultancy Package

For consultants with financial or space constraints this package comprises the same services as above, but replaces the UMDO with the smaller Galactic Multi-Dimensional Oscillator (GMDO). Based on the same operating hours as above, the comparative potential annual income from the Galactic Lifestyle Energy Consultancy Package is approximately AUD $136,600.

#3 STELLAR Lifestyle Energy Consultancy Package

An opportunity to offer the HeartQuest, Scelerographics, Young Living Oils and LumaLights services without the UMDO or GMDO. A smaller working space is required and individual session times are reduced to 1.5 hours. Again, based on working from home for 20 hours a week, 48 weeks of the year, the potential annual income from the Stellar Lifestyle Energy Consultancy Package is approximately AUD $110,400.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the services of a Lifestyle Energy Consultant are not intended to replace necessary medical treatment by a qualified health care practitioner. LEC's must advise anyone with a serious medical condition or other health concerns to consult their doctor before beginning any other course of treatment.

Flexible Hours, Flexible Earnings

As a Lifestyle Energy Consultant the experiential sessions you offer form the backbone of your business and are likely to be your main source of income in the establishment phase. However, you are also able to enjoy additional income streams from sales of Young Living Oils and Tesla’s Products, and in the case of the Universal and Galactic packages, from Multi Dimensional Oscillator sessions only. You are in control of the Lifestyle you create – choose your LEC package, choose your working hours, choose you workplace location. The system is designed to allow you to create a business that is tailored to your needs. With so many variables it is not possible here to outline every scenario, however the following example may help you get a grasp on the impact of different choices on earnings potential.

Exploring the options – An example

Suppose you choose to purchase the Universal LEC package. Your initial investment is AUD $32,890. So how do changes in your hours and location affect the time taken to recover that investment?

Your core offering is the two hour service comprising HeartQuest and Sclerographics readings, YL Oils and LumaLight applications and 30 minute UMDO session. The recommended cost is $210 per session, however you can maximise client benefit and value by offering a five session package for $900 ($180 per session or $90 per hour) – a discount rate of 15% for the block booking. The hours you work will limit the number of clients you can see, and therefore your income.

Session work – potential earnings

Based on the discounted rate ($90 per hour) your potential earnings from the 5 session package, assuming you work from home for 48 weeks of the year, are as follows.

Hours workedWeekly earningsNumber of 2 hour sessionsNew bookings requiredGross annual earnings
10 $900 5 1 per week $43,200
20 $1800 10 2 per week $86,400
40 $3600 20 4 per week $172,800

“UMDO Only” service – potential earnings

For every 2 hour session you deliver, the UMDO will be in use for 30 minutes – ie. It will be available to other clients for 1.5 hours. This allows you to offer a further “UMDO Only” service where additional clients can sit in the UMDO for 30 minutes during this “free time”. If priced at the recommended $45 per session, this can potentially boost your earnings as follows.

Weekly hours workedNumber of UMDO Only Sessions Weekly earnings Total annual earnings
10 5 $225 $10,800
20 10 $450 $21,600
40 20 $900 $43,200

Tesla’s Products and Young Living Oils sales – potential earnings

Once customers experience the power of Tesla’s plates and Young Living Oils it will be natural for them to want to use them in their everyday life. It is therefore easy to build additional income streams through sales of these products.

Weekly hours worked Tesla sales (per month) Tesla annual earnings YL Oils Resellers (per month) YL Oils annual earnings Total annual earnings
10 $698 $7,683 2 $5,936 $13,619
20 $1397 $15,367 4 $11,872 $27,239
40 $2,794 $30,734 8 $23,744 $54,478

Summary: Total potential earnings – the Universal LEC Package

Taking the data from the above tables we can calculate the total potential earnings when all revenue streams are combined. Remembering that our business model assumes working from home for 48 weeks of the year, we can take the above data to calculate the potential earnings when all revenue streams are combined. Assuming insurance and other overheads can be kept to under $3500 per year, potential earnings vary according to hours worked as follows.

Weekly hours worked Session work UMDO Only Sales Tesla & YL Oil Sales Gross annual earnings Net annual earnings (minus $3500)
10 $43,200 $10,800 $13,619 $67,619 $64,119
20 $86,400 $21,600 $27,239 $135,239 $131,739
40 $172,800 $43,200 $54,478 $270,478 $266,978

How does renting workspace impact earnings?

The system is extremely transportable and easy to set up making working away from home a breeze. Let’s take the scenario that you wish to work part time and decide to rent a space for three days a week. You are able to work 8 hours a day (24 hours a week). The room is big enough to house your massage table, a desk for your laptop, and the UMDO (approximately 16 sqm). The space costs $450 per month, or $5,400 for the year assuming a 12 month lease. Based on the annual earnings above we can see that working 10 hours gives a gross annual income of $67,619 or $6,761.9 per hour. Multiply this by 24 and we can see that the gross annual income for working 3 days per week would be $162,286. Subtracting rent ($5,400) and business overheads ($3,500) gives us a potential net annual income of $153,386. Not bad for a three day week!

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The unique Lifestyle Energy Transformation System is designed to maximise the flow of life.

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