Our journey begins with the eyes and the feet thanks to Dr Jack Tips and his brilliant education into the sclera of the eyes and the feet. With this education we are able to simply read the red lines in the whites of the eyes and confirmation with the lines of the feet to see a direct correlation to the major stressors in our lives.
These lines quickly reveal energy weakness as well as constitutional pre-dispositions to dis-ease, weak tissues, and acute concerns. These lines can give hints to the causes and effects of the symptom-patterns that affect peoples’ health.
The health-evaluative usefulness of Sclerology is simply that the lines in the sclera start somewhere and end somewhere else, thus they can reveal both the cause and effect of a stress pattern. Further, the lines in the sclera change rapidly, and thus Sclerology provides both an “early warning” picture of health issues as well as a quickly observable testimony to the efficacy of a therapy.
- Sclerology provides an early warning - an earlier warning more than any other eye-sciences - and thus allows a person the time to effect nutritional correction before a condition becomes chronic.
- The lines in the sclera change as health conditions change. Thus Sclerology is an excellent way to confirm that the energy system is correcting and natural therapies are working.
- The sclera’s patterns reveal the weak links in a person’s constitution. A person is empowered with self-knowledge that can prevent a genetic weakness from manifesting.
- Sclerology helps prioritize health programs because when the chief stress pattern is addressed, the body’s inherent wisdom can heal many other concerns.
- Sclerology is an excellent 2nd-opinion or “another witness” to our Heart Quest System which helps to reveal the body’s mysteries and provides a clear view to the energy concerns.